The sun is rising right now, its rays glimmering in the puddles… the breeze
feels cool and gentle… the air is filled with an earthy scent from the rains
we’ve enjoyed… the robins and Baltimore orioles are saying good morning to
whoever is blessed enough to be listening. Sitting In the gardens this time of
day is so relaxing and free, it almost makes me feel guilty to have this little
piece of Heaven right here under my feet.
I’m sitting in my breakfast patio writing this right now
while everyone else is still sleeping. There’s a male Ruby Throated Hummingbird
sitting on my clothesline… he seems to be enjoying the quiet morning along with
All my life we had a garden and it’s a part of who I am, what I feel, what I
love. My life would be so empty without it. I love sharing my gardens with
friends and loved ones, entertaining and making them feel at home. There were
two main reasons why we created the patio: the first of course was for my family
to have a special place to fellowship and have our meals and the second was to

 A cozy space is an inviting place to have friends and family.

 Here are some Garden Party idea’s and tips…

*Garden Themed Invitations.  Use a 4 x 5 1/2 piece of card stock. Pick up
some 10 for $1 seed packs and use the seed pack for the ‘picture’.  Use a rubber
stamp with ‘party info’ on the back. Not just cute, but practical.
You can also take photos of flowers, garden junque or garden scenes, crop them down and
use them for the front of your invitation.

Here's a photo I took that I put on the front of a blank card. ‘Your Invited’ rubber stamp and pack of seeds!
*Decorating the table and buffet will speak loudly when done right! Here are
some super cute ideas!
~Use pretty floral sheets or plain white that drape
to the floor with quilts laid diagonally over for table clothes.
~Use 3 clay
pots of the same size to hold forks, spoons and knives in.  Tie a piece of
raffia around the rim with a bow to make it even cutter.
~Use baskets  lined
with floral napkins to hold napkins & breads.
~Mason jars make the
cutest drinking vessels, especially if they are blue! Not to mention flower
vases and candle holders.
 ~A hodge podge of old plates and platters are a great way to serve your
sandwiches, cheese & crackers & appetizers.
~Use an old galvanized
wash tub filled to the top with ice and put bottled water, juice or pop in for
~An old pickle crock thoroughly cleaned makes a spectacular punch
~Print the menu out on card stock and lay over each guests plate.  
*The Menu! Your theme is garden, so plan according.
~Sandwiches can be
very special! I like to make mini sandwiches but cutting the sandwich into
quarters. First I trim off the crust; make your sandwich and then cut into
diagonally so you have four triangles. I like to use chicken, egg and tuna salad
for my fillings along with a yummy cucumber filling. Go to my Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/For-Dragonflies-And-Me/550000798362651
for the recipe! Be sure to LIKE AND SHARE while you’re there, please and thanks! 
~Watermelons aren’t just yummy, they can be beautiful centerpieces as well. 
Most of us have seen how melons can be cut to represent a handled basket,
hollowed out and then filled with a beautiful and delicious fruit salad.   The
long oval shaped melons work best.

 *Punch is the funnest drink for a party! Try making ‘real’ lemonade!  It is
very simple- use 3 parts water to 1 part lemon juice, add 1 cup of sugar for
every 4 cups of liquid! Cut lemon’s and limes in slices and let them swirl
around to make it extra special.  If you have a ‘color’ theme to your party, add
a few drops of food coloring to make your lemonade your color!  You can use any
large container to hold your punch!  Use jelly jars for your glasses with
umbrella straws!

 *Of course the Cake! Check out this Teapot cake tutorial- this really makes
an impression! A little time consuming, but worth the effort! http://www.flickr.com/photos/popocreation/3669618629/in/photostream/ 
*Garden themed craft projects are a fun way to send your guests home with a
gift. Try making Posy Pots!  Here is what you will need! Organic Potting mix, 1
Quart Zip Lock baggies, Sunflower or Marigold seeds, pretty card stock , tulle,
raffia, and a small clay pot.  Fill the baggie with enough potting mix to fill
the pot then place filled bag inside the pot. Take the card stock and make a
small packet to put 2-3 seeds in, seal. Place seed packet on top of dirt bag in
pot.  Gather tulle around the outside of the pot, and tie with raffia.  Cut out
a 4″ x 4″ piece of card stock for a gift tag and using a rubber stamp or sticker
of the type of flower seed you chose, place it on the square, punch a hole in
the corner, write planting instructions on back and attach to raffia bow. Such
fun for everyone!

The ideas of course are only limited by your imagination… so have fun, host a
party and let your creativity shine!

To see all the awesome photo's that go along with this post, please go over to my Word Press blog at http://fordragonfliesandme.wordpress.com/2013/07/10/garden-parties-how-to-host-a-party-garden-style/

 Don’t forget to take a trip over to For Dragonflies And Me Facebook page for
this yummy Cucumber ‘Herb Garden’ Sandwiches!

 Happy Day,

 This entry was posted in Garden Party, Gardening, Uncategorized and tagged baltimore orioles, food, garden party idea's, garden party invitations, garden party menu, Garden themed, how to Hosting a garden party,
photos of flowers, ruby throated hummingbird.
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    Jean Anne Smith

    As a wife and mother of six my life is filled with so many amazing and joyful

    things.  I love the time that I can spend in my gardens, strolling
    through the
    pergola... I love my chickens... I love my life... join me here
    often to share
    with me in the garden, the kitchen and in the everyday
    things in life.


    July 2013


    Garden Parties
    Garden Party Invitations
    Watermelon Fruit Bowls